All posts by SL Wong
Where is the Green in GE15?
Tiga Cerita Tentang Tanah dan Air
Costs Rise For All to Green Pig Farms
When Laws Put the Brakes on Pig Farm Pollution
Bila Kawanan Burung Berkunjung ke Teluk Borneo
When Birds Flock to a Bornean Bay
Landscapes in Limestone
Mapping Every Hill
Interviewed: Dr Liew Thor Seng, biologist []
IF YOU don’t know where all the limestone hills are, how will you know which to protect, which to quarry? Moreover, if you want to protect them, which ones do you begin with?
Well, decision-makers now have at their fingertips, Malaysia’s most comprehensive database and map of limestone hills.
(Photo: Screen capture of the online gazetteer showing details of limestone outcrop of interest in Malaysia | Courtesy of Liew Thor Seng)