[First published: 1 April 2021; updated 19 April 2021]
We want to pay for at least 14 stories by Sprouts journalists
16 April 2021 8 April 2021
THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts! We met our target on 7 April 2021.
Some contribution came after 8 April, increasing the total fund raised to RM5,844.99.
We’d like to thank all the supporters of this programme for your contributions and encouraging messages too.
We are now able to pay for 14
stories by our Sprouts journalists – and more!
We truly appreciate every sen and your belief that training and mentoring new environmental journalists matters.
Please check in from time to time as we update this page with the stories you paid for.
Thanks again!
What is Macaranga Sprouts?
In December 2020, Macaranga embarked on our plan to mentor new environmental journalists. This is something both founders are passionate about.
We picked seven of the many applicants to join our inaugural cohort of Sprouts.
Although the Sprouts journalists have full-time jobs, they are keen to learn journalism and are passionate to report on Malaysia’s environment.
Since then, we’ve been training them to become environmental journalists. This includes devising story ideas and angles, reporting, writing, and visualisation.
We’ve asked them to produce at least two stories each, and we want them to be paid for these.
Here is where you come in to support local environmental journalism. Every sen goes to Sprouts journalists.
How will your contribution be used?
It will be used entirely to pay the Sprouts journalists for their stories – RM200 for their first feature story (1,000 words) and RM500 for subsequent ones.
Your contribution will also cover the journalists’ reporting expenses, e.g., travel for field reporting.
Sprouts stories in the pipeline (selective)
- Pan Borneo Highway
- Mangroves 101
- River pollution
- Integrity in environmental governance
- The value of limestone caves
Some Sprouts journalists

(Main Photo: Macaranga shoots, Malaysia | pic by SL Wong)
Got questions about our programme? Ask and comment below or email us. Please note that comments shall be moderated. Do not use language that is foul, slanderous, violent or that may violate laws. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.