Shark Conservation 101 – What are ISRAs?

17 October 2024: Malaysia has new 10 Important Shark and Ray Areas, (ISRAs), critical habitats identified as critical for the conservation of shark and ray species based on scientific criteria.

To dissect the meaning of this new list are scientists Serena Adam (Marine Conservation Officer, WWF-Malaysia, member of the IUCN),  Assoc. Prof. Dr Amy Then (Senior Lecturer, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Malaya), and Macarang’s Wong Siew Lyn (right to left in photo above). Produced by Juliet Jacobs on ‘Earth Matters’, 89.9FM Radio.

Based on our story Divers, Fishers and Scientists Map Sharks and Rays to Save Them and interactive map.

[The story is supported by a grant from Youth Environment Living Labs (YELL). The grant is administered by Justice for Wildlife Malaysia]

[Photo: BFM89.9 Radio]

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