Tag Archives: bleaching


氣溫升高預期將摧毀珊瑚礁,科學家急於提出對策。这是 “亚洲水危机” 联合项目的部分报道; 英文原文林玠均翻译。


珊瑚礁生态学家阿芬迪 (Affendi Yang Amri) 在他长达27年的职业生涯中,一直很讨厌“珊瑚复育”这个概念。


然而2018年,联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会 (IPCC) 的科学家警告,全球珊瑚即将崩溃。

(馬來西亞登嘉樓浪中島 (Lang Tengah Island) 夏季海灣的環礁. | 摄影: KL Chew)


Building Arks for Corals

Scientists scramble as rising sea temperatures are expected to decimate coral reefs.  A story in the Asia’s Water Crisis project.

CORAL REEF ecologist Affendi Yang Amri had hated the idea of coral restoration for most of his 27-year career.

Wary that opportunists would ramp up destructive coastal works if corals could be “restored” elsewhere later, he preferred protecting existing corals rather than fixing damaged ones.

But in 2018, scientists on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned of an imminent coral collapse worldwide. 

(Summer Bay House Reef at Lang Tengah Island, Terengganu. | Photo: KL Chew)
