Tag Archives: mangroves

2024 Wrap-Up: Carbon, Climate, Sharks

16 Dec 2024: We looked back at Macaranga’s stories in 2024 in this Annual Wrap-Up on the Earth Matters segment on BFM89.9FM Radio. We went from the local to global, linking our stories on deforestation of peat swamp forests, social media wildlife pet trade, and dumpsites to global dynamics of rising carbon emissions, illegal wildlife trade, and the climate crisis.

There were encouraging stories too, such as wins on mapping important areas for conservation of conservation of sharks and rays, and Sabah’s 10-year mangrove action plan.

Produced by Juliet Jacobs for Earth Matters.

Listen to the Birds to Save Mangroves

Velvet-fronted Nuthatch (Amar Singh-HSS)

Listen to the Birds to Save Mangroves

When birds disappear from back mangroves, the mangrove forest’s very survival could be at stake.

Produced by: Ashley Yeong, Amar-Singh HSS & SL Wong
Edited by: YH Law

Co-published with the Malaysian Bird Report

Published: June 14, 2024

(The Velvet-fronted Nuthatch Sitta frontalis is absent in many mangroves in Selangor | Photo by Amar-Singh HSS)


Strolling Through Magical Matang Mangroves

Strolling Through Magical Matang Mangroves

A  walk in a thriving , healthy mangrove forest is full of splendour, diversity and birdsong.

Produced by: Ashley Yeong, Amar Singh HSS & SL Wong; Edited by: YH Law

Co-published with the Malaysian Bird Report

Published: June 14, 2024

(Boardwalk in the Pusat Eko-Pelajaran Hutan Paya Laut Matang, Kuala Sepetang, Perak  | Video by Ashley Yeong)



珊瑚、红树林和海草共同构成了坚固的天然堡垒,抵御风暴潮和海平面上升等气候变化的影响。 这个生态系统应该共同保护。 本文于 2023 年 6 月首次以英文发表,是我们的 #SeaWorld 系列的一部分。

Les Forteresses Naturelles, la clé pour Affronter les Tempêtes

Les coraux, les mangroves et les herbiers marins forment ensemble un solide rempart naturel pour résister aux impacts du changement climatique tels que les ondes de tempête et l’élévation du niveau de la mer. Cet écosystème doit être protégé ensemble. Cet article a été publié pour la première fois en anglais en juin 2023 et fait partie de notre série #SeaWorld.

Partie 1: Les Forteresses Naturelles, la clé pour Affronter les Tempêtes

Kubu Alam Semula Jadi Kunci Menanangi Perubahan Iklim

Karang, bakau dan rumput laut, bersama-sama, membentuk benteng semula jadi yang kukuh untuk mengharungi impak perubahan iklim seperti pusuan ribut dan kenaikan paras laut. Ekosistem ini sewajarnya dilindungi bersama. Artikel ini pertama sekali diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggeris pada Jun 2023 dan adalah sebahagian daripada siri #SeaWorld kami.