Tag Archives: rays

2024 Wrap-Up: Carbon, Climate, Sharks

16 Dec 2024: We looked back at Macaranga’s stories in 2024 in this Annual Wrap-Up on the Earth Matters segment on BFM89.9FM Radio. We went from the local to global, linking our stories on deforestation of peat swamp forests, social media wildlife pet trade, and dumpsites to global dynamics of rising carbon emissions, illegal wildlife trade, and the climate crisis.

There were encouraging stories too, such as wins on mapping important areas for conservation of conservation of sharks and rays, and Sabah’s 10-year mangrove action plan.

Produced by Juliet Jacobs for Earth Matters.

Divers, Fishers and Scientists Map Sharks and Rays to Save Them

Knowing where different sharks and rays reproduce, feed, hang out, and rest, is important for conservation. But it is hard to do – unless everyone joins in. Now, thanks to scientific evidence, collaboration with divers and fishers, and the mining of public data, a new atlas of these areas is sparking optimism for the threatened fishes.

Read the story here: Divers, Fishers and Scientists Map Sharks and Rays to Save Them

From Sipadan to Kuala Pahang, explore the interactive map of Malaysia’s 10 Important Shark and Ray Areas and 1 Area of Interest. Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

(Photo: A newly tagged juvenile Blacktip Reef Shark is released at its initial capture site at Chagar Hutang Bay | Pic by Nicholas Tolen)
