Pens on yellow background. (Joanna Koshinska)

Write for Macaranga

We are accepting pitches for original reported articles on the Malaysian environment. We pay about RM1,500 for a story of about 1,500 words. Writers are obliged to contribute to multimedia elements (photos, videos, maps, etc). We cover reporting expenses up to RM500 for each assignment.

Macaranga publishes stories centred on a monthly theme. Coverage could either be one in-depth story of 1,500 – 2,000 words, or two or more stories of around 1,000 words each. These can be written by one journalist or a team.

We seek articles that are standalone feature stories that explain not just the basic ‘what-when-where-who’, but also the ‘how’ and/or ‘why’ of an event. We therefore require field reporting.

Readers would gain insights that help them better understand the fundamental drivers of an environmental issue.

Examples of what works for us:

  1. Perak Dams Threaten Stone Spirits and Ancestral Graves
  2. Nature’s Forts Key to Weathering Storms
  3. Must the Pan Borneo Highway Dissect the Tawai Forest?
  4. Deforestation Project in Pahang Exacerbates Orang Asli Land Rights Struggle

A bit about us

We publish in-depth and analytical environmental reporting in Malaysia. We write for the general public, though a good portion of our readership consists of experts, practitioners, and policy-makers in environmental sectors. Visitors from over 60 countries read Macaranga every month, but about 80% of visits come from within Malaysia.

Questions? Please email editorial[at]

(Image by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash.)